Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Gun

John 10:10
It seems to be too regular an occurrence these days to hear of some mass shooting, suicide, or a combination of the two. Alabama was the location this time, as a man went on a shooting spree gunning down his family as well as random others he came across before ending his own life. Yet another example of the fact that the world we live in is filled with tragedy. The only thing more tragic is those who die and haven't secured their eternal destiny. Many just aren't prepared yet to stand before God and haven't lived a life of purpose and meaning. Things left unsaid, things left undone, a soul unprepared for the end. Life is short, each moment is a precious gift from God meant to be maximized. The best advice comes from Superchick's song, "We Live," which speaks of four important things: living, loving, forgiving, and never giving up. We should be living each day for God's glory, loving everyone around us, forgiving ourselves, forgiving others, and asking God to forgive us, and finally never give up by keeping our eyes on the goal set for us by Christ. Each day we should think about whether we are doing those things. Consistently doing these things will help us be prepared whenever our brief days on this earth are finished. Also, if everyone were doing those things it would likely end senseless tragedies. In light of this it should be our mission each day to live life to its fullest as Christ intends for us, since only God knows how much time we have left. "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) (Amplified Bible)."

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