The word lamp is mentioned over 20 times in the Bible, being used as a symbol for many things. The verse I chose likely came to mind first because it is the chorus to the popular praise song, "Thy Word" by Amy Grant, which I have known for a long time. Most of us have probably heard the song or even sung it in church, so this verse should be pretty easy to remember every time you see a lamp. The verse is quite simple, yet powerful, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105 KJV)." Most of us have experienced a power outage at some point in our lives, and in that moment you realize how dependent we are on electricity. Our ability to function and do the things we normally do are greatly reduced without power. Yet think of how difficult our spiritual walk would become without the aid of the Bible. Just like a power failure. Our journey would be much more challenging without God's Word to give us direction, just as our lives become more difficult when the lights are out. Thankfully the Bible has survived and been preserved through many dark times in history; times when books were destroyed, Christians persecuted, and leaders of the church killed. Yet no one was succesful at ridding the world of it. Those determined to destroy it obviously hadn't read it, or they'd have come across the part that says God always wins, and good will triumph over evil. Unfortunately, for us today it's all too easy to take the Bible for granted. Most of us have more than one copy in our house and we have churches full of them. Don't let your Bible collect dust; read it, study it, meditate on it, it should be your guide for all that you do. All the answers to life's most important questions, solutions to your struggles, and a heaping dose of hope and grace are in there. It contains everything you need to keep your light shinning brightly and your path illuminated. So, next time the power goes out, why don't you fire up a battery powered light and curl up with your Bible; it won't be long before the darkness retreats to marvelous light.
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