Promises...God has blessed us with so many and is always faithful to deliver. He sticks with us always whether we deserve it or not. No matter how unfaithful people are God is always there waiting, coming through for us time and again. How sad it is that so often we walk away and fail to stand firm and not falter. It can especially be a challenge for us to hold fast to him, to our faith, to our hope, when times are so tough. Yet no matter how great the storm is we face, his grace, his mercy, his outstretched hands are there to bring relief. Scripture is filled with it, vast songs are sung about it, and no matter what our condition God never fails us. When you stand strong in tough times you become a great witness to those around you. When the world is crumbling it is up to us to see an opportunity. As we weather the storm, and hang tough through adversity without loosing our joy, others see that and will wonder how we can persevere through. We'll be ready to tell them of the hope we hold on to, of the solid rock we stand on, which is not of this world. It can't be brought down by natural disasters, crumbling economies, disease, corruption, or anything else! As Hebrews 10:23 says, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Pray for God to encourage and strengthen you to be steadfast even when things are tough and know he will come through for you. Even if you've been torn like a piece of paper, God is the tape that will mend you. That is who he is. Listen to Hold Fast
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