Friday, January 16, 2009

A Pen (preferably one that writes)

Revelation 21:27
Pens are everywhere and about as common an object as there is.  Especially the irritating kind that don't write worth squat.  Anyway, not a day goes by that most of us don't write something; maybe not a blog or an article like I do but maybe a grocery list, a phone number, notes etc...  In case anyone was in doubt, I enjoy writing and am always picking up a writing implement, which got me thinking about something God has written and is still writing that is the most important document in existence.  I know, you're probably guessing it's the Bible, which is definitely the most important book you can ever read or study, that God created by inspiring others to write down the things he told them to.  But the book I'm talking about is quite critical, and while it will never reign at the top of the Bestsellers list there can be nothing more important than, "The Lamb's Book of Life."  Revelation talks about a list the Lord is writing of all those who have faithfully devoted themselves to following Christ and ultimately will be allowed to enter into his glory.  "Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty- but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Revelation 21:27)."  That sure makes every list I've written seem pretty unimportant by comparison.  Earlier in that same chapter John describes what heaven will be like, and I have to say even if it were only half of what he describes it would be incredible.  I can't believe there's anyone who would want to risk not spending eternity there.  If you have some time read Revelation 21 and tell me it's not awesome.  Now, if you're unsure whether you've made the "Book" I can tell you there's no secret formula, password, or handshake you have to know to get in.  Quite simply, it is open to those who have asked Jesus to forgive them and be the Lord of their life.  No rocket science, no fine print - just ask Christ into your life.  (If you need help with that click on "Need Him?" under my recommended links)  For those already in the book I hope when you pick up a pen today images of heaven will come to you and you will delight in the fact that the Lord has looked favorably upon you and offered you eternity in his presence.  That, my friends is something that keeps me writing everyday!               

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