Friday, March 27, 2009
Temporary Posting Slow-down
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Luke 7:1-36
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A River Part 2
Today is the next part of my object devotions on rivers. Yesterday, I spoke on the life-giving properties of rivers and their similarity to God. The next attribute of a river I was thinking about is its life-altering abilities. The canyon I sit in is slowly being carved, shaped and transformed by the constant flow of water through it. In fact, each rock, including the one I was sitting on, are under continual change which made it quite comfortable to sit on unlike other rocks higher up the canyon walls. Years of water flowing over it had removed sharp jagged edges, polishing the surface. Over the course of our lives God polishes us, working to make us more like Christ. It is a gradual process just like polishing a stone or carving a canyon, as the Lord is merciful, shaping and refining us in a careful, planned way. If things were to go too quickly, like when the river floods, there would likely be devastation setting the whole process back. So day after day the work continues at just the right pace moving us towards perfection. With the process comes cleansing. Just as the river carries away debris cleaning itself and the area around it, so God removes our impurities in the purification he is putting us through. The old is washed away so the new can be revealed. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin (Psalm 51:2 NIV).
Friday, March 20, 2009
A River
I spent the afternoon yesterday sitting beside a river. It didn't take long before all kinds of images and symbolism about water came to mind. I decided to focus my thoughts on the life giving power of rivers which reminds me so much of God. That whole canyon of mesquite, palo verde, and a myriad of other plants would die without its nourishment. That doesn't even account for all the animal life relying on its presence. The book of Revelation paints a similar scene we will encounter in heaven. "Then he showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Through the middle of the broadway of the city; also, on either side of the river was the tree of life with its twelve varieties of fruit, yielding each month its fresh crop; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing and the restoration of the nations (Amplified Bible). A river and trees bringing life and healing to all those blessed to gain access to its splendor. It's amazing to believe God has prepared a place more beautiful than this canyon in which I relax. Yet, Revelation describes crystaline waters and trees with multiple kinds of fruits growing on them. Wow! Why not? Our God can create anything! With all the majesty here on earth its overwhelming to realize God's saved the best for the next life! Finally, as water is critical to our survival in this state, there would be no life now or hereafter without God, the ultimate Creator and Sustainer of all things. Give glory to God for all that he has graciously provided.
The song to go with today's devotional is "River" by Chris Tomlin. (Not an exciting video so listen carefully to the lyrics and imagine yourself alongside your favorite river.)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Small Creatures
Today's devotion is actually a reflection on my day at Sabino Canyon as I took time to enjoy some of God's smallest creatures going about their daily routines. The full reflection can be found on my blog Sacred Spaces Travel.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Speed Limit Sign
No, I didn't pick this object for today's devotion because I got pulled over, but I was just out driving and the idea came to me (No, I'm not lying, that would be a bad thing to do - well since this is a Christian devotional ya know). Kids I work with always have this idea that it will be great when they're grown up because then they can do whatever they want. That looks to be true - they just miss that when you're an adult some rules go away, but are quickly replaced by new ones. A good example is that mom won't call and yell at me because I stayed up all night blogging, my bedtime as an adult is whenever I want it to be. However, when I was a kid I didn't have to worry about obeying the speed limit (try as I might, my bike wouldn't go that fast!) which I now have to be concerned with. The point is no matter how old you get there will always be rules for you to follow. Some rules have no age boundaries, the 10 Commandments apply to all of us, for life. While there are many who try to rebel and not follow the rules, the thing they fail to see is that they were created for our own good. When you're a kid you have a bedtime so you get the sleep you're growing body needs and you don't sleep through school. As adults we have a speed limit on the road to follow so we hopefully don't harm ourselves or others when we're driving. God gave all of us His rules so that we would live in harmony with Him and with each other and life would go well for us. Since breaking rules leads to undesired consequences it is to everyone's advantage that we do our best to follow them. Just think what the world would be like if everyone followed the rules. So, I've said goodbye to my younger rebellious days of speeding around in my Eclipse humming, "I Can't Drive 55", and do my best to follow societies rules and God commandments, which is what Jesus would do. Let us all pray that the way we live our lives will be an example to others. Then, not only will we be moving on towards a more perfect, Christ-like life which God desires, but we will also be doing our part in creating a better world.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Clover
1 John 5:7
Top of the morning to you! I had to go with a St. Patrick's Day theme for today's post. The clover can be used to remind us of the Holy Trinity (as long as it's not a 4 leaf clover). It's three leaves that are generally of equal size as each part of God is of equal importance to us. As, the Trinity is a difficult subject even for Christians to fully explain I am going to provide a few solid sources I have found on the internet that present an excellent discussion on it.
1. Dr. Brown is a Messianic Jew and does an excellent job in explaining the Trinity in this video on YouTube. He also has a great website discussing Jesus as Messiah at Real Messiah .com
2. The website Bible Knowledge also has an easy to understand explanation of the Trinity
These give a lot of help in understanding that we worship one God who has three distinct personalities or natures, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each is co-equal and co-eternal. While the word "Trinity" is never used in the Bible, there are multiple places where each person of the Godhead is present. We see it when Jesus is baptized and scripture states the Spirit came as a dove upon him, and that the Father spoke from heaven: 16"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.' (Matthew 3:15-17 NIV)" John also mentions the three in one: "7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. (1 John 5:7 KJV)" Our God is wonderful and not easy for the human mind to comprehend. Thankfully he gives us a glimpse at who He is, but we must remember that for now we see a dim reflection like a mirror, only in the next life will we fully see (1 Corinthians 13:12).
Monday, March 16, 2009
I took some kids from the group home to an event on the weekend, which is always interesting with 5 kids as they want to take off in all directions. At one point two of the boys took off towards a tent that had a bubble machine because they wanted to try to pop the bubbles (of course). Life in our culture is so like that. There are all kinds of distractions being thrown our way and if we're not careful we'll go running after those things. The apostle John warns us of this, "15Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him.16For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources or in the stability of earthly things]--these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].17And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever (Amplified Bible)." There are oh so many things that draw us in, seeking to take our eyes off that which God is calling us to. It seems that hating the materialistic, self-centered way this world operates is the only way we can be focused on God and not be led off to whatever the next fad or gadget is that we are told we need in our lives. Unfortunately, for those attracted to these things they will get a whole bunch of stuff and never find any meaning in it, and their bubble will burst. Trying to grab on to stuff in this world is like trying to grab bubbles, it is here one moment and gone the next. Doing God's will and seeking the Kingdom of God and its treasure is the only thing that will last, as for the stuff in this world, well, all of it ultimately ends up in a landfill. What will you choose to pursue?
Pray for eyes that are fixed on the eternal, not the temporal.
The Christian song that goes with today's devotion is "The Lust, the Flesh, the Eyes, and the Pride of Life" by Smalltown Poets. I can't find anything but an mp3 for this song - link is above.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Luke 6:39-49
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Brownie or Cake Mix
Today's devotion idea came as I was preparing some delicious brownies and struggling to make some ingredient substitutions based on what I had on hand.
It takes all kinds of people to make up the body of Christ, just as it takes an interesting assortment of items to make baked goods. We may not agree or get along with all of them, but each person brings something to the mix. We can't pick and choose who should be in the body anymore than we can choose to eliminate something from the cake mix. Everything is needed to make the final masterpiece. As hard as it may be it is important that all who come through the church doors be made to feel welcome and accepted. The church should not be some exclusive club, like in childhood when you would hang the sign that said "No Girls Allowed" or "No Boys Allowed" on the door. In Christ's community all are invited. Jesus didn't tell his followers to make disciples of a select few, he said to make disciples of all nations. We must have our doors open wide and be prepared for whoever he Lord may send through them. He had a heart for everyone and died for the whole world. As we head for church let us be looking for the newcomers God sends our way and make sure they feel like the special child of God that they are. That kind of feeling will cause many people to flock to us, increasing the Kingdom and our witness to those around us.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink (NIV)."
The Christian song to go with today's devotion is "If We Are the Body" by Casting Crowns.
Friday, March 13, 2009
An Ambulance - EMT
As I was working today there were sirens outside the group home I work at. Being concerned about what was going on, we peered out to see paramedics assisting someone who must have had a medical emergency while driving somewhere. I know from experience how scary that can be, I hope it never happens again. I also pray that whoever it was will be fine.
There was a time when all of us needed to be rescued, far more than the best EMT's could handle; for all mankind were victims of the guilt of sin and we needed a remedy. We needed to be saved from the clutches of death. Fortunately, God had a plan prepared for saving us. Paul wrote, "Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God the Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live (Galatians 1:4 NLT)." Jesus became the one to deliver us from the end that we deserved. The Great Physician brought more than physical healing but went to the root of our pain, our fallen, sinful nature. Once he healed us, Christ passed on the torch so we would go out to offer healing and forgiveness to others as his representatives. So, consider your part of Christ's emergency team appointed to bring the breath of life to those that are perishing. Pray that God will give you what you need to persevere in your mission.
The Christian music video that goes with today's devotion is "Remedy" by David Crowder Band.
Sun and Moon
Today is the day I began my new blog of places I go to experience God's creation and escape from the concerns of everyday life. The first entry of that blog started with a wonderful evening I spent a couple days ago at Saguaro National Park when I got treated to a wonderful evening with the sunset and moonrise occurring in harmony. "God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:16-18 NIV)." It was definitely an amazing evening and as always I felt a great peace from God while alone in that quiet, magnificent place. Visit my new Sacred Spaces travel blog to read more about it and see the view from that night. It is truly amazing when you realize that we wouldn't be living on the earth without the sun and the moon. God placed them perfectly so the sun would provide heat and light and the moon would control our tides. If this delicate balance were disturbed it would be devastating. While we may be in awe of everything the Lord has created here and how well it all works together, it is pale in comparison to what he has in store for us in eternity. "What a wonderful maker, what a wonderful God!" Find a time to get away and seek God in his creation and listen for his voice and as you are touched by the beauty around you turn your gaze to heaven and thank the Lord for what he has given us now, and the best part - what is to come!
The Christian music video to go with today's devotional is "Wonderful Savior" by Jeremy Camp. Chris Tomlin also performs this song.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rice and Beans
Today (3/11/09) is Compassion International's Global Food Crisis Day and so my devotion will be based around that. There are a number of places in the Bible where we are told to back up our faith by action and that faith without deeds is dead faith. One place is in James, "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, 'Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do (NIV)." All over the world the effects of the current economic downturn have been devastating. With things being tough here, the effects become worse in developing nations. Even basic things like rice and beans have become unaffordable to many. Now, I don't know about you, but even as hard as this crisis has been on me, I'm still doing better than that for dinner. So, as tough as things may be for us, as Christians we need to find ways to help others in this time of suffering. In particular, folks still doing well in our economy need now, more than ever, to reach out to brothers and sisters in trouble. For me, it means taking to heart what Jesus said about selling possessions and giving the money to the poor, so I'm looking around the house for items that I could live without to sell. This is the only way for me since I'm having a hard time myself. It is important for each of us to pray about what part we can play in aiding the relief efforts. For those reading this that really can't afford anything because you're out of work, loosing a home etc... know you are being prayed for and I hope there are people reaching out to you in your time of need. Your way of helping and showing your faith in this effort may be spreading the word or putting a widget on your website or blog like I have. If each of us does the part God calls us to we can make a difference and save lives both physically and spiritually. God bless you.
Besides Compassion International, a group of Christian musicians are also making a difference and formed an organization called CompassionArt and have released a book and an album with all the proceeds to help those in need. The song to go with today's devotion is "Friend of the Poor" which is on that album.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Gun
It seems to be too regular an occurrence these days to hear of some mass shooting, suicide, or a combination of the two. Alabama was the location this time, as a man went on a shooting spree gunning down his family as well as random others he came across before ending his own life. Yet another example of the fact that the world we live in is filled with tragedy. The only thing more tragic is those who die and haven't secured their eternal destiny. Many just aren't prepared yet to stand before God and haven't lived a life of purpose and meaning. Things left unsaid, things left undone, a soul unprepared for the end. Life is short, each moment is a precious gift from God meant to be maximized. The best advice comes from Superchick's song, "We Live," which speaks of four important things: living, loving, forgiving, and never giving up. We should be living each day for God's glory, loving everyone around us, forgiving ourselves, forgiving others, and asking God to forgive us, and finally never give up by keeping our eyes on the goal set for us by Christ. Each day we should think about whether we are doing those things. Consistently doing these things will help us be prepared whenever our brief days on this earth are finished. Also, if everyone were doing those things it would likely end senseless tragedies. In light of this it should be our mission each day to live life to its fullest as Christ intends for us, since only God knows how much time we have left. "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) (Amplified Bible)."
Monday, March 9, 2009
A Grain of Sand
I was out wandering through the desert again today enjoying God's creation and was thinking about how small I am, especially when standing next to a saguaro. It just so happened as I was driving around Saguaro NP the song "More," by Matthew West, came on KLOVE which was just perfect timing since it speaks about how God loves each of us despite our size in his creation. This park has so many rocks, so many grains of sand, and even millions of saguaro cactus and there in the midst of this wilderness is little ol' me. God's love for us is amazing, he gives us special attention even though we are so small and he is eternal. In fact, our years are even small compared to a saguaro which lives about 200 years and rocks and sand are always there! Praise God that he wanted to maintain a relationship with us badly enough to send his own Son to die just so we could keep that relationship.
O Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them,
mere mortals that you should think about them?
For they are like a breath of air;
their days are like a passing shadow (NLT).
No matter how insignificant you think you are, even if you feel that no one could possibly care for you, know that you are loved "more than you can imagine, more than you can fathom." You are noticed and loved by God, there's no escaping him. Your place in this world and in God's story is important. There is no one like you!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Luke 6:12-49
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Radio
Ever get to feeling a bit tuned out from life, a bit bewildered? Sometimes it gets difficult to decode the message I'm getting about the direction I'm supposed to be going. It's like when you're trying to listen to a radio program but static keeps creeping in, making some of the words unintelligible. You think you kind of, sort of understand what God is saying, but chunks of the memo are missing. It seems, just when I thought I understood my calling questions arise, a door closes, or discontentment sets in. Even when the way seems hard to find and the instructions seem unclear, keep pressing on. It is better to be doing something for God and to grow in your walk with him, than to sit on the sidelines waiting to get called into the game. God is still at work in you even when things seem jumbled, or the pieces don't seem to be coming together, or things just don't seem to make much sense. Somehow in his amazing design, God fits all those pieces together molding us and our ministry. As life unfolds, your experiences, both good and bad become a way for you to connect with others and minister for the Lord in your own unique way. It may not be until much later that we look back and see how some small thing we did fit into God's greater plan. Just being available and faithful to whatever opportunities God gives you is what matters. Right now what I'm doing doesn't seem like much to me, yet several of the kids I serve in the childrens home have given their hearts to Jesus. It really had nothing to do with me, other than I was the one who was taking them to church and prayed for them. Nothing showy, nothing anyone else couldn't do. It's just about letting the Lord use you where a need is. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me (Isaiah 6:8 NIV)!" Be willing to serve the Lord, even in small ways. After all, even if only one person were to come to know Christ as their Savior because of you being faithful to the call - wouldn't that be a big deal?
The Christian music video to go with today's devotion is "Here I Am" by Downhere.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ok I have a serious block keeping me from coming up with something wonderful for today's devotion. I'm just sitting and staring at the screen, searching headlines, music sites, anything to come up with an idea. Sometimes I am like batteries that keep going and going and going, then suddenly, they're gone. "This will continue until God pours his Spirit from above upon us. Then the desert will be like a fertile field and the fertile field like a forest (Isaish 32:15 NCV)." Like the Israelites waiting for God to deliver them, we too get dry and weary. It is when we have these moments that we need to recharge like those wonderful rechargeable type batteries, which are great as long as you remember the charger. Thankfully we have a myriad of ways available to us to refuel. Spending some quiet time in God's Word, praying, meditating, spiritual retreats, or one of my favorites is just going out and getting lost in God's creation. In fact I will be starting a blog based on the sacred places I spend time at around where I live in Tucson, AZ. There is nothing like immersing oneself in God's handiwork to cure a lack of inspiration. The more we seek him the closer we will draw to him and our eyes will be opened to even greater things. It is important for us to ask the the Spirit to fall afresh on us, regularly and to breathe new life into us. There is an old hymn I used to sing in church that went, "Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me....melt me, mold me, fill me, use me, Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me." Let us seek more time for the power of God to come upon us.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Celebrity
I just saw in the news that Michael Jackson is touring in England for the last time. Of course fans waited for hours just to hear the short announcement of the tour by him and naturally some were even going hysterical just to see him. Now I have to admit I was a fan back in the days of Thriller and probably still have a copy of the album somewhere. But, I'll also admit there isn't any celebrity that I'd go nuts to see. They're people just like all of us. What I see in this is that people are made to worship something. God is the right target of our worship, but for those not in a relationship with him, their worship goes somewhere else, be it towards celebrities, wealth, power, cars, etc... The major problem is all of these things will come to an end just like Jackson's music career, and then what will you have? We must direct our worship towards God and him alone, seeking him with all that we are. He is the only one that will remain when all else fails. That's why He said, " 'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 26:1 NIV)" In light of this I find it unfortunate that we've named a TV talent search, "American Idol." While I'm fine with looking for talented individuals and helping them realize their dreams, we're promoting this idea that the folks on stage have some kind of special power worthy of our praise. While it's true most people probably don't think about it this way it, we should see it as a warning that our country as a whole treads the dangerous territory of creating idols for ourselves. Worshiping and giving glory to God is the only thing that will also lift us up and empower us and give us a reason to keep going strong each day. Nothing else will satisfy our desire to worship better than praising the One who we were meant to bow to, the One who programmed us with the longing to worship. It would be great to see folks getting as hysterical at worshiping the Lord as they do over human beings or stuff. Pray that you and your house will serve and bow to the Lord and him alone.
Today's music video by TobyMac is a repeat from a previous devotion but it is worth repeating: Lose My Soul.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Rock
Today as I was out touring around Tucson with my family I spotted a house that was really built on the edge of quite a hunk of rock. It was really taking the idea of building your house upon the rock quite seriously.
(Jesus said:) 24So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock. 25And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.26And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a stupid (foolish) man who built his house upon the sand.27And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell--and great and complete was the fall of it.
I've heard some sad stories in the news of people, even whole families committing suicide over our current economic crisis. This is particularly tragic to me as a Christian because I feel sad for those who have put all their hope in the fragile things of men. For those whose investment is in possessions, stocks, and worldly goods it spells disaster when these temporary items fail. These are the folks who built on the sand and when the times got tough there was nothing to keep their house from taking a great fall. My prayers go out to those in that predicament and I hope they will come to know the one who gives us riches that will never loose their value. For me, even though there are nights I look at my budget and wonder how I've been managing to stay afloat, I know there's nothing to worry about because God has always been there for me and will help me make it through. My house is like the one built on the rock. Believe me, I've had some pretty big storms in my life, yet I still keep battling on, clinging sometimes only to the faith I know will stop me from taking a serious spill. Christ is the solid rock and the firm foundation on which to build and with him in your life you are always in good hands. Like Paul, I don't say these things to boast about myself, but instead that all may understand how the Spirit has given me the endurance to keep running the race of life, which at moments is quite grueling. That same perseverance is available to anyone who has put their lives in God's hands. It is never too late to build your life on Godly principles. Just as houses can be moved, you too can take a life that has been being built on sand and move it to the rock. So, where have you built your house?
An excellent Christian video to go with today's devotion is "American Dream" by Casting Crowns or "Million Dollar Man" by Kutless.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Stick
I was out at Sabino Canyon with family today and they handed out a warning that mountain lions had been spotted in the area and were showing some aggressive behavior. They suggested using a walking stick so you would have something at hand to use in defense if one were to come after you. Fortunately, I've never had to deal with that but all of us as Christians have to deal with an adversary who requires much more than a stick to stand against. Peter says, "Stay Alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NLT)." His solution to this problem is to stand firm, be strong in your faith, and remember all the other Saints that are doing the same. While we may suffer and have to take all kinds of action to escape the evil one, with faith and knowledge of scripture we can do so. Use the appropriate spiritual tools and armor as we discussed before so you will be armed and ready for battle (see Ephesians 6:10-17). Always remember, even when it seems like other people are against us that in reality we are fighting against mighty rulers, authorities, and evil spirits of the unseen world who will come against us in many forms (Ephesians 6:12). Pray that you will be strong, carry a big stick and speak strongly against devil and he will flee!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I was out with family today enjoying the desert and often we pulled out binoculars to see subjects off in the distance. As Christians we need to be focused on what we are moving towards as well, the Kingdom of God. We need to see past all the temporary trappings of this world and into the eternal future. We must set our sights on what the Lord is calling us to and not look back. But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62 NLT).” Being a disciple isn't easy, we're expected to leave the old life behind, abandon it, say farewell to it. It has been crucified with Christ on the cross. Yet we look back out of our fleshly desires and even return to the things of the world. Fortunately, God is merciful and isn't likely to turn us into a pillar of salt, like he did to Lot's wife after telling the family not to look back at the city of Sodom as they were fleeing it. She looked back - end of story (Gen. 19:26). We have to let the past be the past and with our eyes fixed on Christ, press on, erasing from our minds the burning wreckage we were saved form. As hard as it is we can't have it both ways, we can't serve two masters. The only way is to say never again to who we were and live for Christ and him alone. We must pray hard and have great determination to stay on task and fight the pull to go back to the old self and the old way of living life under our own mismanagement. Seek God hard each day and it will be a whole lot easier to keep your sights set on the right path.
Today I'm providing both a soft and hard rock video to go with this devotion, so take your pick of either So Long Self by MercyMe or go hardcore with Sincerely, Ichabod by Project 86.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Selections from Luke 5:36-39 & 6:1-11
Saturday, February 28, 2009
A Flower
A great Christian song to go with today's devotion is Who am I by Casting Crowns. This is a rather interesting video using hands to create the imagery in the song.
Friday, February 27, 2009
A Phonebook
I just pulled out the handy phone book to look up where a business was located and was thinking about what a convenience it is to have this. What if you had to ask around or drive around looking every time you wanted to go somewhere new? It would be a big pain, that's for sure. (Makes me wonder what it was like before all these helpful things were created.) Anyway, what if that were the case with the Bible? That's why God was always having people write the Word down and save it somewhere because he knew eventually it would get forgotten otherwise and it wouldn't be good to have people asking around and wondering what to do. He wanted people to be able to go look on the "scroll" whenever they needed to. We find an instance in the Bible when just such a thing happened and God's Law seemed to be forgotten. It is recorded in 2 Kings 22 . Somehow over the course of a few generations God's Law had been forgotten about and people were out doing whatever they pleased, which was making God angry. Fortunately, the kings heart was seeking the Lord, and he sent for the help of the priest, then repented and humbled himself before the Lord upon hearing the Word and realizing that the people hadn't been adhering to it. He later followed through with all kinds of measures to return the land to obeying God and His commandments. We are blessed to live in a time when almost anyone that wants can have access to the Bible and we don't need to go searching for it. We have paper copies, audio versions, electronic versions, and my favorite, the internet has it all. (I love Bible Gateway!) For us there can be no excuse for not knowing or obeying God's Word. We have no reason not to be reading and studying it all the time, because it is available wherever we go. Let us not take that for granted, but instead make use of all the great ways we can plant the Word inside us in whatever method we prefer.
A fun, classic song to go with this devotional is Basic Instructions by Burlap to Cashmere. Sorry, can't find a video for this one.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Salt Shaker
Colossians 4:5-6
As I was preparing my food I used a bunch of seasoning on it and some must have been old because I didn't even notice the flavor, fortunately the salt was still fine so my food wasn't totally bland. The Bible mentions that as Christians we need to be like salt to the outside world, seasoning God's grace on those around us. We must always be careful for we never know who is listening or watching our behavior.
5Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity.
6Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]. (from the Amplified Bible)
Our talk should be attractive, lively, and inspiring to unbelievers. So many have the impression that our faith is dull, boring, and stifling, which is completely untrue. However, some of us may live and act as though it is! Honestly, some churches I have been to could fall into this group. Church should be invigorating, inspiring, uplifting, with people blowing the roof off the house worshiping God! We should be the most joyous, seasoned people anyone could come across because honestly we have a monopoly on the joy market. There is nothing more joyous than having a relationship with God and having an invitation into his eternal kingdom. We should also come across as sanctified and holy in how we behave, so it is obvious that we are set apart by God, living for him, not worldly things. What the world needs to see is Christians "marketing" our faith through action and lifestyle, and using words as needed to give an answer as to why we live like we do. So don't wait, always be out there being the salt and shining God's light on those around you, giving him glory. It won't be long before others want to know what's up with you.
The song that goes with today's devotion is "Don't Censor Me" by Audio Adrenaline. It goes back a few years, so the best I could do is find an mp3 (click above).
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval (NLT). It's no surprise to me during the tough economic times we're in, to hear on the news that things like shoplifting are on the rise.
I can sympathize with those so desperate that they're stealing food and have helped others in need of that when they have asked. However, some of the stealing comes down to how important material goods and status are in our lives. There are some things we can learn to just live without. Maybe those new shoes, designer clothes, gadgets, pay-per-view, or other luxuries may have to take a backseat to everyday living expenses. Maybe it means finally giving up expensive bad habits like drinking and smoking. Even small things like drinking water instead of lattes and soda can add up. ( Check these sites for ideas: and ) I know things are tough, I've had to scrutinize everything I'm spending money on to make ends meet. For those seriously desperate the church, food pantries, and the government are also there. Asking others for help should always be first as stealing is a bad choice to solve your problem and could make things worse for you and your family if you get caught (and that's not even mentioning the 8th commandment). There are also those using the difficult economy as a reason to steal and they will deserve what comes to them. As Christians we need to be there for our neighbors as much as we can during these trying times. We need to be even more willing to answer the call from God to show our faith in action through good deeds. God's people need to be about bringing hope, unity, and a helping hand in our world. Our nation has faced challenges before and we can again if we are willing to rise up and work together. We also need to spend much time in prayer. God can heal and help us and our country if we make the choice to seek him first. As our leaders roll out plans to repair this problem let us also keep them in our prayers that God will give them wisdom.
TobyMac has an excellent song about this issue so go check out the brand new video on YouTube: Lose My Soul by TobyMac
If you don't have his amazing album, "Portable Sounds" follow the link above to find it at Amazon.
If you need food assistance here are some links:
Federal food assistance:
Food Banks:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Washcloth
Just as we get dirty physically each day from all kinds of sources, so too do we find many ways to dirty ourselves on the inside. God always has an offer on the table to clean us up and put us in right relationship with him again.
25I'll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands (Ezekiel 36:25-27 MSG)
No different than a shower, we will experience true cleansing and refreshment when God has purged us of the wrong things we have done. As we seek him and seek to keep his commands he works on our heart and spirit drawing us closer to him and further from our flesh. It is in that place where we have left ourselves behind and have been washed by him that an overwhelming peace and joy is felt. It is not easy to stay in that place as our flesh is always trying to pull us into the pleasures of sin. It is almost as if we are two people, like Jeckyll and Hyde. Yet as long as we are in this world of imperfection we will struggle and often repeat the process of sinning and cleansing. It is most fortunate for us that Jesus bore the weight of our sins upon himself and stands before the Father on our behalf. Jesus has set us free from bondage to sin and death and opened the gate for us to live a joyous life in him. Don't despair, pray for Jesus to free you from your guilt and shame and be renewed and restored. When you take your shower pray that God will be washing you on the inside while you are taking care of the outside.
The Christian music video to go with today's devotion is Further From Myself by Pillar. A mp3 is available by clicking the link in the upper right.
Monday, February 23, 2009
When I start picking passages like this for my devotional it is usually because my health is becoming poor again and so I begin to look for verses to find comfort in the storm.
7Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself! 8Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.10Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Cor. 12:7-10 NASB).
I have had numerous health issues throughout my life but starting about 2 years ago now, things really took a turn for the worse and there were more than a few times that I figured I was a goner. As a Christian the thought of death doesn't bother me, in fact to be rid of the pain once and for all would be a blessing. However, as that hasn't happened yet I look to the Lord and his grace to get me through, yet again. For those of you who have suffered a bit in this life I know it is hard to keep finding the "silver lining" amidst the clouds and maintain a joy-filled Christian attitude. Thankfully, we are not alone in our pain and our suffering as so many great saints have gone that road and left us scriptures full of inspirational stories of overcoming trials. (read about Paul, Job, David - just to name a few) As Paul infers here he becomes stronger and closer to God in these hardships and I definitely have found that true for myself. I have to admit I don't really like that truth as I greatly dislike being uncomfortable. Like Paul, I have prayed numerous times for healing from the Lord even if that meant "going home," but like Paul, I can't seem to get relief. For those of us in this predicament we need to use our condition to bring comfort to others going through their own suffering. How we handle difficulties may lead others to Christ as they see us being able to go on day after day despite our afflictions. Whenever I can I let others know that the only way I am making it is because God's strength is within me. If our bodies are his temple then whatever happens to us is in his hands. There's nothing better and more reassuring than that. Our problems are just times of testing and shaping as God is molding us into the people he wants us to be. You can persevere, He is with you and for you! Don't let the rain bring you down, go dance in it and splash in the puddles! Today spend time in prayer for anyone you can think of who is suffering and ask God how you may bring his peace to them. Stay strong!
A good song/video for today's devotion is Bring the Rain by MercyMe or Cry Out To Jesus by Third Day. You should also watch the story behind Bring the Rain as well. These are You Tube links, to download a MP3 version of either of these songs click the links, top-right.
Special thanks to all who are linking to or following this blog, I pray that you will be blessed by God through the reading and studying of His word as I am blessed in presenting it!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Luke 5:1-11
The first thing we see in the passage is that Jesus had a vision for people. He saw how needy the people were and how they needed a Savior. He also recognized that while He was God, he was also human and would need help if he was going to reach all of those in need. His next job would be to seize the resources needed to carry out his mission. This was when he asked the fisherman to use their boats and then called them to be his disciples. The next thing Jesus had to face was reluctant obedience. The disciples weren't exactly excited about putting out their nets again having caught nothing during the night. They did it anyway but it wasn't exactly with enthusiasm. God still often has to deal with this in his followers today, but he can work even with reluctant obedience because his power works through us as long as we are faithful to carry out what he calls us to do. Finally, Jesus demonstrated godly power which caused people to want to follow him. The Lord set a good example in this passage of what we need to do to lead and what we can expect to encounter. If we have God's vision, if we use the resources he has placed all around us and in us, and use the power he gives us, then we too can be successful in reaching the world around us. Pray that all of us as Christians will look at people as Jesus did and do the things that Jesus modeled so that they may too become followers and have the hope of salvation.
Saturday, February 21, 2009

I went out for the evening to watch the sunset in the desert as I try to do whenever possible. Tonight, between the various prickly things I managed to run into, and the pesky mosquitoes, I was quite happy to have very little flesh exposed. Sure it would be nice to wear shorts and t-shirts in the desert since it's hot, but unfortunately you want protection those things just don't offer. Paul talks about some protection God makes available to us, not for insect protection, but it will work against a greater pest, the devil.
11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:11-17 NIV).
It is important for us to always be prepared for anything the enemy throws our way. As we try to make an impact in this world Satan will always be after us since we are a threat to him. God doesn't leave us defenseless, he offers what we need to stand. However, if we fail to take all the necessary items we will leave open a place for the enemy to penetrate. If we don't know God's Word it would be like going into battle without your sword, or in our time, your gun. It is critical to have the Word inside you, so you are always armed. Our enemy has all kinds of tactics like temptations, doubts, evil thoughts, and desires that take the right words to combat. Being true to your faith and standing up for what is right will always be a struggle. With God's help we can win and reflect his glory to the lives of those around us. Pray for yourself and all the saints that we will press on to victory and obtain our crowns of glory.
The song/video to go with today's devotion is Echelon by Pillar (Look out - this one will rock you!)
Friday, February 20, 2009

(23) The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. (24) Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. We all know how difficult life can be. I certainly don't know how I would make it without God leading me and looking out for me. It is so reassuring to know that God in his infinite grace finds joy in directing my path and guiding me on this challenging journey I'm on. Imagine that - the God of the universe takes delight in YOUR life! GOD is there for you step by step, every moment, every detail. How can that not fill your heart with gladness? With that in mind the best thing I can do for others, and the purpose of this blog, is to help anyone who comes my way to be redirected to the one whose leading those shoes I'm walking in. It is always my prayer that through my life people both young and old will see a reason to allow Christ to be the Lord and leader of their lives as well. It's why I continue to do the job I do and honestly I think that's why God gives me enough strength to keep making it through each day. I pray for you dear brothers and sisters that you will let God have your soul and your soles - allowing him to reach out and take your hand and walk the road of life with you.
It is encouraging to find in his Word stories of so many heroes of the faith and how he lead them to victory. (Some of them are featured in the video below.) We can learn so much from them. Spend time reading about a favorite Bible hero today and identify some godly characteristics about them that you could pray for God to help you add to your life.
A good song for today's devotion is Sometimes by Step by the late Rich Mullins. This is a You Tube video featuring Bible heroes. To get it as a mp3 or album click on the link in the upper right corner.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Trophy - A Special Dedication to all the kids God's blessed me with ministering to

Today was one of those difficult days for me as a staff at the childrens home I work at, as it was time to say farewell to a couple kids that I had spent a lot of time with over the past year. Many kids at the home come and go so quickly that you have little time to attach to them, but others who are around for years, who you've built a relationship with, are hard to see go. No matter how old you get "Goodbye" never gets any easier to say, and I've had to say it a lot. When you're passion is touching the lives of others with God's love and that bond is created, it is difficult to be separated from them. Paul felt this when writing to his friends in Thessalonica saying, "Do you have any idea how very homesick we became for you, dear friends? Even though it hadn't been that long and it was only our bodies that were separated from you, not our hearts, we tried our very best to get back to see you. You can't imagine how much we missed you! Who do you think we're going to be proud of when our Master Jesus appears if it's not you? You're our pride and joy! (1 Thl 2:17-20 The Message)" Let me dedicate that verse to any young person whose life God's blessed me with the opportunity to touch over the years (and by now there are many). Each of you is like a trophy on the shelf in my life, something special, a fond memory, a gift from God. I am proud to see the Lord at work in your lives and know "that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart...(Philippians 1:6-7 NIV)" We may no longer be together physically, but spiritually we will always be one. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers and I will always be thankful to God for the time he gave us to spend together. I leave you with this blessing from God: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV)." Take some time today thinking of those who have come and gone from your life and offer a prayer on their behalf.
Click the link to see a You Tube video of the best friendship song ever written, "Friends" by Michael W Smith. Another good one, also by him, is the short, sweet, "How to Say Goodbye." (Have some tissues handy.)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Treadmill

Ever have one of those days where you feel like you're getting no where fast or you're just stuck in a rut? You're definitely not alone. In fact I think I've had whole weeks and months like that sometimes. I think this happens because we just get overloaded at times and just start short-circuiting because our body wants to shut down for a while and not have to think about anything. It may signal a good time to pull away from what we're doing, relax, and to think and pray about where we are and where we're heading to. It's something Jesus did a lot that I'm trying to incorporate more into my life. He got away from the crowds and the people demanding of his time and spent it getting close to his Father. For me that means a hike away from others in the desert and some photography time. In fact I'm even pondering a new blog about escaping life and enjoying some spiritual r-n-r (rest and relaxation). A retreat, a vacation, or a long walk may do the trick. What I'd really like is 40 days and 40 nights - wouldn't we all! Jesus had one occasion away with his disciples that was really awesome. "After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them (Mark 9:2 NIV)." Intense? That's where our idea of a mountain top experience comes from. This is the kind of thing we need to do regularly to experience God more fully. We need to get away from everything, to step away from the daily grind, to get off the treadmill of life and seek God until we feel the difference - that we have been transformed and renewed by the experience. When can you fit into your week time to really escape life and seek God? It's time to schedule a mountaintop experiece of your own.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Colander

A colander is a simple yet handy tool I use frequently to clean my veggies before preparing them for a salad. This is similar to what God does to each of us when we give our lives to him. Often times it takes a good scrubbing and even repeated washings to get us clean but that is what we need so we will be pure, ready to stand before him. Paul in trying to prepare believers for the second coming wrote, "And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) (1 Thessalonians 5:23 Amplified Bible)." Paul left some excellent instructions in chapter 5 that would help us in the dark times we live in to stay pure and ready for Christ's return. He spent much of the conversation warning his brothers to be alert for they would never know the hour that the day of the Lord would come. We must strive to be self-controlled, though that can be so difficult in the defiled world we live in with its many temptations. We must pray and help each other to stay on course, seeking God and giving him glory in all circumstances. Today, read and take to heart 1 Thessalonians chapter 5. "May the grace of our Lord be with you, now and always may you stay, blameless till he comes." (Omega, Rebecca St. James)
Listen to Omega
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Pillow

Ok, I have a confession, I love my pillow, it is just perfect for me. I can go other places and try to sleep on other pillows and it just doesn't work. I do overnight shifts in the group home I work at fairly often and have to take my personal pillow. Let's face it, we are creatures that like to be comfortable and be pampered and catered to. It's not easy as a Christian to step outside our comfort zone yet that is so often what we are called to do. Jesus made it clear that there was a cost to discipleship, after all he laid out a pretty tough example to follow. He made it clear to potential disciples that following him wasn't going to be glamorous. He wasn't going to be living the life of a celebrity. No first class travel, no 5 star hotels, no relaxing mineral bath at the end of the day, not even a pillow. He said to one, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head (Matthew 8:20 NIV)." I used to think I could go that extreme, but the older I get the more I like the comforts of home. Fortunately, God knows what we can and can't handle, and while he pushes us to step outside our box, he calls us to missions that are challenging, but not overwhelming. Case in point, an old friend of mine, Matt runs a childrens home in Cambodia, I work for a childrens home in Arizona. God knows both of us want to touch the lives of kids in need with the love of Christ. God also knows I have health problems and being where I can get proper medical attention is a good idea. While it would be exciting and maybe more challenging to work abroad, the Lord has put me where I can make a difference and still get the food and health products I need to stay functional. After all, I would be of little use somewhere else if I was always sick. What I'm trying to get at is to be ready and willing to accept the call to discipleship that the Lord places on your life, knowing that it won't be easy, but that it will be something that with God's help you will be able to do. God wants our faith to grow but he also says he'll only dish out what he knows is right for us. So as you hit the pillow tonight, thank the Lord that he gave up comfort for the cross and pray that he will give you the strength to be extreme in whatever assignment he calls you to. For some extra encouragement listen to Voice Of Truth
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Luke 4:14-44
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Box of Chocolate

Alright, yesterday's devotion may have been perfect for those in a relationship, particularly a marriage, but what if you spent this Valentine's on your own? No matter what your relationship status is take a moment to spend time today with the lover of your soul. He brings a love that is always there, one that will always be better and truer than human love and will never leave us or forsake us, one that is eternal. In Jeremiah 31:3 God states that, "I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love and more love (The Message)!" Avoid being depressed if you didn't get a Valentine, flowers, or a box of chocolate because God already gave you the best gift there could ever be, his Son. God stopped at nothing to show his love for you and ensure you would always have a lasting relationship. God wants to draw us to him with his love, he doesn't force us to come, he simply waits with open arms, waits for us to knock at the door, waits for us to make contact with him. You can find love, love, perfect love when you reach out to the one who created it and knows what it should be. So while you search and wait for Mr. or Ms. Right to come along, grow in your love of God and grow in understanding what love is so when that special someone comes along your heart will be ready. It's either that or overcome your sorrow by pigging out on the biggest box of chocolate you can find and then be even more sad from the weight you'll gain. (The things of the world will never satisfy your desires or longings, so choose God!) Listen to Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Ring

Valentine's Day is here and it is a great time to think about what true love should be and there's no better place to find that than 1 Corinthians 13. For the difficult times we live in nothing could be more important on this Valentine's Day than reminding yourself about how love should be able to endure anything. "Love never gives up, never looses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance (1 Cor. 13:7 NLT)" Bad economy, unemployment, sickness, financial problems, bad days shouldn't stop love. Real love makes it through all those things. It grows stronger during difficulties, it pulls together to overcome the obstacles. Let the rings on your fingers be a reminder of your marriage vows to make it in good times and bad times. When all is said and done the Bible emphasizes that love is the greatest, above all, and is one thing that lasts forever. Paul talks about how you could do all kinds of great things and have all kinds of knowledge but if you don't love others you have nothing. Everything we do as Christians should be a direct result of our love for God and for other people. Our love should be unconditional and keep no record of wrongs, just like God's love. We must be forgiving and forgetting each other sins and love even those that we've had disagreements with, otherwise we're no different than those of the world. Think of ways you can make this a day of love like no other, not only for your spouse or boy or girlfriend, but for everyone you come in contact with.
Here are several great songs about love for your Valentine's Day: