(23) The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. (24) Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. We all know how difficult life can be. I certainly don't know how I would make it without God leading me and looking out for me. It is so reassuring to know that God in his infinite grace finds joy in directing my path and guiding me on this challenging journey I'm on. Imagine that - the God of the universe takes delight in YOUR life! GOD is there for you step by step, every moment, every detail. How can that not fill your heart with gladness? With that in mind the best thing I can do for others, and the purpose of this blog, is to help anyone who comes my way to be redirected to the one whose leading those shoes I'm walking in. It is always my prayer that through my life people both young and old will see a reason to allow Christ to be the Lord and leader of their lives as well. It's why I continue to do the job I do and honestly I think that's why God gives me enough strength to keep making it through each day. I pray for you dear brothers and sisters that you will let God have your soul and your soles - allowing him to reach out and take your hand and walk the road of life with you.
It is encouraging to find in his Word stories of so many heroes of the faith and how he lead them to victory. (Some of them are featured in the video below.) We can learn so much from them. Spend time reading about a favorite Bible hero today and identify some godly characteristics about them that you could pray for God to help you add to your life.
A good song for today's devotion is Sometimes by Step by the late Rich Mullins. This is a You Tube video featuring Bible heroes. To get it as a mp3 or album click on the link in the upper right corner.
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