Ok, I have a confession, I love my pillow, it is just perfect for me. I can go other places and try to sleep on other pillows and it just doesn't work. I do overnight shifts in the group home I work at fairly often and have to take my personal pillow. Let's face it, we are creatures that like to be comfortable and be pampered and catered to. It's not easy as a Christian to step outside our comfort zone yet that is so often what we are called to do. Jesus made it clear that there was a cost to discipleship, after all he laid out a pretty tough example to follow. He made it clear to potential disciples that following him wasn't going to be glamorous. He wasn't going to be living the life of a celebrity. No first class travel, no 5 star hotels, no relaxing mineral bath at the end of the day, not even a pillow. He said to one, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head (Matthew 8:20 NIV)." I used to think I could go that extreme, but the older I get the more I like the comforts of home. Fortunately, God knows what we can and can't handle, and while he pushes us to step outside our box, he calls us to missions that are challenging, but not overwhelming. Case in point, an old friend of mine, Matt runs a childrens home in Cambodia, I work for a childrens home in Arizona. God knows both of us want to touch the lives of kids in need with the love of Christ. God also knows I have health problems and being where I can get proper medical attention is a good idea. While it would be exciting and maybe more challenging to work abroad, the Lord has put me where I can make a difference and still get the food and health products I need to stay functional. After all, I would be of little use somewhere else if I was always sick. What I'm trying to get at is to be ready and willing to accept the call to discipleship that the Lord places on your life, knowing that it won't be easy, but that it will be something that with God's help you will be able to do. God wants our faith to grow but he also says he'll only dish out what he knows is right for us. So as you hit the pillow tonight, thank the Lord that he gave up comfort for the cross and pray that he will give you the strength to be extreme in whatever assignment he calls you to. For some extra encouragement listen to Voice Of Truth
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