It was a beautiful day so I was outside cleaning my vehicle, which so quickly gets dirty in the desert environment I live in. I started thinking about spiritual cleansing and forgiveness. All of us get dirty from sin just like the grime that forms on my truck, even just sitting still in the driveway. Unlike a car, we get cleaned in a rather interesting process. You see it's not enough for us just to pray and ask God to forgive us. In order for us to be cleaned by God we have to clear others who we're holding a grudge against or not forgiving them of something they've done. Mark 11:25 states, "When you stand to pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him. Then your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also (NLV)." God expects us to be forgiving, as He is forgiving. When Jesus was asked by Peter how many times he should forgive someone who wrongs him Jesus said, "seventy times seven times." (Jesus followed up his response by telling a parable about an unmerciful servant which you can read at Matthew 18:21-35.) I don't know about you but I'd have to keep a pretty good record to know when someone had wronged me 490 times. I think what Jesus meant was our willingness to forgive should keep on going and going and going - yeah like that Energizer bunny. Besides, you'll feel a whole lot better just getting it off your mind and dwelling on it no more. Then you can pray with a soft heart and receive cleansing from God. Spend some time thinking and if you've got some unsettled issues stored up within you, clean your memory banks. Forgive and be forgiven, clean and be cleansed and your old rust bucket will be shiny and new.
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