A friend and I went to have vehicles inspected for emissions today, fortunately for me things went fine, but my friend had a company vehicle and the key to the gas tank was not on the keyring so he couldn't have his test done. Bummer. I got to thinking about the sad fact that in our sinful world we have to have all our stuff locked up to discourage thieves. Actually what I've found more tragic is the amount of things we have to have. Until I started moving and living in different places it didn't matter much, but honestly now I long for the more simple days when I had a bedroom with some clothes and toys and that was all (especially the few times I've had to pack a Uhaul). Even with the amount of items I sell, thanks to eBay and Craig's List, there's still too much of it. The more we own the more we become tied down and the more we stand to loose if something bad happens. Jesus suggests we avoid this as well, "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven...Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be (Matthew 6:19-21)." In our life we accumulate all kinds of possessions that in the end really don't matter. I wish now I'd have paid more attention to these verses. Take it from me, do yourself a favor and don't buy, buy, buy. Your life will be a whole lot simpler and your pants won't keep falling from the weight of all those keys you have to carry. I can't imagine how many keys I have around my house, many not even in use now. Thankfully, we won't need locks and keys in heaven, our treasure will always be safe there. I also don't think we'll have to worry about packing it up in moving vans and having to transport it everywhere we go, either. Today think about ways you can simplify your life and be content with less. Gone, by Switchfoot is the perfect song to listen to today.
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