Tonight I was out an had an opportunity that doesn't happen to me too often and that was to help someone asking for some spare change. Since I have a big heart and not a big paycheck I'm kind of glad that I rarely end up in this position. I like to give away money and give generously in the name of the Lord. While things have been tight for me I am fortunate that God provides and I have the essentials. I also have faith that what I give away will be given back to me and then some. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (2 Cor. 9:6 NIV)." I had heard a story on the radio earlier in the day about churches that were giving away all they could to help those struggling to make ends meet. In this kind of economic climate it is no too surprising that more people are having a tough time getting by and it will take a lot more than just government assistance to meet the growing need. For all of us this is a time to sow as generously as we are able and pray that the reaping will be an adding of souls to the Kingdom of God. When things are difficult and many are "tightening their belts," Christians can be a powerful witness to those around us by continuing to give cheerfully knowing where our treasure comes from. Whether it's money, prayers or an act of kindness keep your eyes open to those around you and be ready when God presents you with an opportunity to show his love for humanity through you. Be blessed. A great song to listen to with today's devotion is "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath (video & lyrics) / Give Me Your Eyes
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