Monday, March 2, 2009


Luke 9:62
I was out with family today enjoying the desert and often we pulled out binoculars to see subjects off in the distance. As Christians we need to be focused on what we are moving towards as well, the Kingdom of God. We need to see past all the temporary trappings of this world and into the eternal future. We must set our sights on what the Lord is calling us to and not look back. But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62 NLT).” Being a disciple isn't easy, we're expected to leave the old life behind, abandon it, say farewell to it. It has been crucified with Christ on the cross. Yet we look back out of our fleshly desires and even return to the things of the world. Fortunately, God is merciful and isn't likely to turn us into a pillar of salt, like he did to Lot's wife after telling the family not to look back at the city of Sodom as they were fleeing it. She looked back - end of story (Gen. 19:26). We have to let the past be the past and with our eyes fixed on Christ, press on, erasing from our minds the burning wreckage we were saved form. As hard as it is we can't have it both ways, we can't serve two masters. The only way is to say never again to who we were and live for Christ and him alone. We must pray hard and have great determination to stay on task and fight the pull to go back to the old self and the old way of living life under our own mismanagement. Seek God hard each day and it will be a whole lot easier to keep your sights set on the right path.

Today I'm providing both a soft and hard rock video to go with this devotion, so take your pick of either So Long Self by MercyMe or go hardcore with Sincerely, Ichabod by Project 86.

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