Wednesday, February 25, 2009


John 6:27
But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval (NLT). It's no surprise to me during the tough economic times we're in, to hear on the news that things like shoplifting are on the rise.
I can sympathize with those so desperate that they're stealing food and have helped others in need of that when they have asked. However, some of the stealing comes down to how important material goods and status are in our lives. There are some things we can learn to just live without. Maybe those new shoes, designer clothes, gadgets, pay-per-view, or other luxuries may have to take a backseat to everyday living expenses. Maybe it means finally giving up expensive bad habits like drinking and smoking. Even small things like drinking water instead of lattes and soda can add up. ( Check these sites for ideas: and ) I know things are tough, I've had to scrutinize everything I'm spending money on to make ends meet. For those seriously desperate the church, food pantries, and the government are also there. Asking others for help should always be first as stealing is a bad choice to solve your problem and could make things worse for you and your family if you get caught (and that's not even mentioning the 8th commandment). There are also those using the difficult economy as a reason to steal and they will deserve what comes to them. As Christians we need to be there for our neighbors as much as we can during these trying times. We need to be even more willing to answer the call from God to show our faith in action through good deeds. God's people need to be about bringing hope, unity, and a helping hand in our world. Our nation has faced challenges before and we can again if we are willing to rise up and work together. We also need to spend much time in prayer. God can heal and help us and our country if we make the choice to seek him first. As our leaders roll out plans to repair this problem let us also keep them in our prayers that God will give them wisdom.

TobyMac has an excellent song about this issue so go check out the brand new video on YouTube: Lose My Soul by TobyMac
If you don't have his amazing album, "Portable Sounds" follow the link above to find it at Amazon.
If you need food assistance here are some links:
Federal food assistance:
Food Banks:

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